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Zardus - Intuitive Vibration Energywork 101
Tuesday, April 23, 2019, 06:00pm - 09:00pm
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Hits : 957
Contact Spa @ 207-446-7470

Our ancient ancestors were tuned in to the vibrations of the earth and her cycles. They were naturally connected to  the seasons, the animals, the birds, and all the beings that share our existence. This connection was not necessarily conscious, it just was!  Today we understand this connection thru quantum physics .... we understand it to be based on the premise that everything in existence has a spirit - a.k.a. is energy - and tuning into that energy provides enlightening information!

Kat Beaudoin, an energy worker, will give a brief overview of what her experiences taught her about aligning to the natural world. Bringing alignment into conscious life allows one to release limiting mental programs.

Participants will be shown how to clear, ground and vitalize their energy fields as well as how to create ritual practices to transmute emotional blockages. Focus will be placed on the importance of reverence, intention and imagination to effect change.

Kat operates her business under the name Kat Beaudoin, Hope Belief Trust - those 3 words express the evolution of her outlook on life. She has studied energy work since the late 70s and began formal training in 2008. She uses a combination of these tools in her practice and offers experiential workshops designed to expand consciousness, connecting heart and mind.

Join us at Zardus for this interactive and informative evening!

$50 - REGISTER via PayPal --- send payment to or contact kat at 207-446-8099 or ask for Teresa at Zardus Art of Massage, 207-446-7470

Location Zardus Art of Massage and Wellness Spa with School of Massage