Maine's Capital Area

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Chamber Connection Logo 2020


Chamber Connections is a quarterly series that focuses on the political environment within the State Capitol. Each program is designed to be a non-partisan, informational presentation that addresses topics that directly and indirectly affect Chamber members. The goal of Chamber Connections is to inform and educate members while encouraging their participation in the political process.

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womens network luncheon logo 2018 finalThe Chamber's Women's Network meets monthly to strengthen business relationships, hear topical speakers and develop leadership. The Women's Network is all about business and building relationships! This event is usually held on the second Wednesday monthly, from 11:30 to 1:00 p.m. at the Kennebec Valley Chamber's new office in Hallowell (105 second Street, Suite 1b, Hallowell, Maine 04347).

$25 for Members | $35 for Non-Members

Lunch Provided

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Business After Hours FINALThe Chamber organizes free monthly networking receptions for members by pairing with host businesses. The host business pays a nominal fee to the Chamber and agrees to host the reception with food and drink in a proper venue. Attendance may range from 75 to 300. Business After Hours occurs monthly on the fourth Wednesday of the month, 5:00-7:00 p.m.

Business After Hours is a great way to expose your business to new people! It is also a great opportunity to network with local professionals in a casual setting, expanding your audience and business relationships!

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You’ve experienced the Grammys and the Emmys, but are you ready for the Kenneys?

The Kennebec Valley Chamber of Commerce is proud to present the Kenney Awards! The Kenney, named for the region we hail from, will be awarded annually to area businesses and professionals that are deserving of our attention and recognition.

Read more: The Kenney...

KLI Logo

 The Kennebec Leadership Institute (KLI) goal is to assure a continuing flow of able, committed, and resourceful leaders to serve our communities. As the oldest leadership program in the state, KLI draws prospective leaders from a broad cross-section of businesses, organizations, and the community. Its purpose is to inspire these promising individuals to work more effectively within their spheres of influence while expanding their civic and community participation.

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