Maine's Capital Area

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Join Gardiner's Walking Train
Friday, October 09, 2015, 11:45am - 12:00pm
Hits : 138002

Gardiner Walking Train Goes National

Healthy Maine Street Initiatives Gets National Attention

An active, healthy workforce is critical to economic development. Last year, Gardiner Main Street launched the Walking Train and the Healthy Eating Passport to help make our community healthier, drawing more businesses and people to our downtown. The programs got the attention of the National Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), who sent a film crew to Gardiner to document and share our efforts with other communities across the nation. Check out the video below or through this link.

Never heard of the Walking Train or the Healthy Eating Passport? We invite anyone from the Gardiner community to join us for a brisk 15 minute walking loop around Gardiner's downtown three times a week. Making a conscious effort to increase the number of walking steps taken per day can have significant impact on your body, your mood and your productivity. The Walking Train Departs at 11:45 am every Monday, Wednesday and Friday outside Renys on Water Street. Walking passengers are invited to jump on as the train continues its loop down Water Street, Bridge Street, Maine Avenue, and through Waterfront Park.  

The Healthy Eating Passport encourages making sensible choices when looking at the menu of several of our Gardiner restaurants. Dishes were hand picked by a nutritionist from the menu items at The A-1 Diner, Canton Village, Dave's Diner, Dennis' Pizza, The Depot, Gerards Pizza, Lisa's Legit Burritos, New Mills Market and Red's Pizza. To get your healthy passport, and to learn how you can get a $20 gift certificate by trying several of the healthy menu items, ask for one at these locations or by calling the GMS office at 582-3100. 

Location outside Renys on Water Street