Maine's Capital Area

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Gardiner Co-op - Recipe Exchange Night
Thursday, July 30, 2015, 06:30pm
Hits : 2968
Contact 485-0175

 Recipe Exchange Night - Help us create a Gardiner Food Co-op Cookbook! Start brainstorming and experimenting, and bring your ideas to the Co-op on Thursday, July 30 at 6:30pm to share. We'll meet in the café, enjoy a provided refreshment, and talk about the creative possibilities in the
kitchen. You are invited but by no means expected to bring a tasting.

There are no restrictions - anything goes! It can be a dish that you've created, or one from another source. We will compile all recipes into a cookbook that will live in the store to inspire people while they shop.

If we do this monthly, we could make a great book! Please RSVP through the store (phone, email, Facebook, in-person)

Location 269 Water Street, Gardiner, ME