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Small Business Resource Team: Finding, Hiring, & Retaining Great Employees
Tuesday, January 28, 2020, 09:00am - 10:30am
Hits : 1675
Contact KV Chamber, (207) 623-4559,

Is your business facing the challenge of finding and retaining great employees? If it is, please join us for "Finding, Hiring, and Retaining Great Employees," a FREE Small Business Resource Team workshop designed to help small businesses find the right people for their businesses, and how to keep them in this tight labor market.

Presented by Mary Joan Kozicki LaFontaine, Regional Director for the Maine Department of Labor and Bill Card, Economic Development Specialist for the U.S. Small Business Administration, this workshop will provide specifics on how to identify prospective employees, how to make the best hiring decisions for your company, and how to get employees to maximize their value to your firm.

Pre-registration is required for this event. Register here.

Location Purdue University Global, 14 Marketplace Dr., Augusta