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Chamber Connection with John L. Estrada, former U.S. Ambassador to Trinidad and Tobago
Wednesday, January 15, 2020, 07:15am - 08:45am
Hits : 1998
Contact , (207) 623-4559

The selection and role of a United States Ambassador in conducting U.S. foreign policy on behalf of POTUS/U.S.

John Estrada official portrait 500x500Immigrating to the United States at the age of 14 meant John Estrada had to learn how to deal with change and stepping out of his comfort zone early in life. Called to by the professionalism, ‘can do’ attitude, and success of the US Marine Corps, at the age of 17, John enlisted and was off to begin his military training. In the USMC, he began to develop a team mentality, which accompanied his own personal philosophy to “leave everything better than he found it.”

Under this work ethic, John was able to rise through the ranks in his 34-year military career to become the highest ranking enlisted Marine, the 15th Sergeant Major of the United States Marine Corps. Over the course of his career he was responsible for supervision, training, oversight, morale and welfare of tens of thousands of Marines.

In July 2013, US President Barack Obama nominated John L. Estrada to further serve the United States as Ambassador. And so in 2016, his career took him back to the country of his birth the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, giving him the opportunity to strengthen ties between the two nations he has had the honor and privilege to call home.

IMPORTANT: Your reservation guarantees your seat at the Chamber Connection. To cancel, please notify us three (3) business days prior to the event, or you will be invoiced.

Thank you to our Chamber Connection Sponsor!

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Location Senator Inn & Spa, 284 Western Avenue, Augusta, ME
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