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SAVE THE DATE: 6th Annual One in Five 5K benefits Sexual Assault Crisis & Support Center
Tuesday, January 03, 2017, 09:00am
Hits : 16717

The 6th Annual One in Five 5K will be held on April 30, 2017 at Thomas College in Waterville at 9:00AM. The proceeds from this race will benefit the Sexual Assault Crisis & Support Center and its fight to end sexual assault and support survivors through their healing journey.

PlaceThe race route will begin at 180 West River Rd. In Waterville, Maine (Thomas College) and proceed north towards Kennedy Memorial Drive. The route turns around at Roland Street and back then past the start to Eaglewood Drive (the sports fields) and down the back way through campus to the finish line.



On Sunday, April 30th at Thomas College in Waterville at 9:00 am, we anticipate over 600 people running or walking in solidarity against the harsh reality of the impact of sexual violence in our Maine communities. Inspired by the current Maine statistic of an estimated ONE in FIVE people in Maine have been affected by sexual violence (Muskie School of Public Policy, Maine Crime Victimizations Rates, 2011), the Sexual Assault Crisis & Support Center is hosting the 6th annual One in Five 5k race. This event is taking place in the month of April to honor Sexual Assault Awareness Month.


There will be an early check in day on Saturday, April 29th at Thomas College from 2pm - 4pm

Day of event, Check in and Day of Registration is from 7:30AM to 8:30AM


100% of the proceeds of this event will benefit the Sexual Assault Crisis & Support Center and their services for survivors of sexual abuse. A fully staffed and highly trained Sexual Assault Support-line available 24hours a day, Support groups, justice system advocacy, school based prevention education, and Children’s Advocacy Center are all provided free of charge to the members of the Kennebec and Somerset counties’ communities in need. Hundreds of people utilize these important services every year.

To register, click here.
